Reply To: Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system…

Home Forums Google Sheets & Forms Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system… Reply To: Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system…

Vicki Harrington
Points: 308

Hi Rob,

Further to our emails re the leave forms.  For some reason I am no longer receiving the pdf of the mail merge letter that staff receive.   Not sure why not.  I have checked the add on via autocrat and my email address is still in the CC part of that section.  Also – I have not received a confirmation letter for my own leave which was approved yesterday.

On a good note – Megan received the notifications finally that there is leave to approve or decline.  So that add on seems to be working.   When you have a moment – do you mind helping me.   I am away tomorrow but back on Monday.

Thanks heaps.
Vicki Harrington – Elmwood


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