Adding a user's personal email to a group in Gsuite

Home Forums G Suite Admin Console Adding a user's personal email to a group in Gsuite


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  • Author
    • #6029
      Anne Cato
      Points: 365

      I used to be able to add a personal email address to a group email list easily and now it looks like the user needs to have a school email address in order to add them to a group. How can I add a person’s personal email address to a group set up in GSuite ( this is for a volunteer who doesn’t have a school email address –  but we want her to get the weekly update message for all staff). Thanks for your help.

    • #6030
      Rob Clarke

      Hi Anne,

      This is relatively straight forward, follow these steps:

      1. Log into the Admin Console and navigate to Groups.
      2. Locate the group in question and click on it to load it up.
      3. Under the Settings panel, you’ll notice this setting is turned off.
      4. Click this and then another dialogue will load up where you can enable this setting.

      If this doesn’t work, would you please take and upload a screenshot as there is one other scenario…

      Rob 😉

      Groups - enable those outside organisation screenshot

    • #6042
      Anne Cato
      Points: 365

      Thanks for your help. I did need to change the setting to be able to add users outside of our organisation but it still won’t let me add the person’s email address  because “add to group” is not an option I can click on – it is light grey and not clickable –  see screenshots

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