Reply To: Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system…

Home Forums Google Sheets & Forms Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system… Reply To: Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system…

Vicki Harrington
Points: 308

Hi Rob,


Thanks for your help with this.   Have used the Confirmation and Thank you Mailer Add-on – as I could not get the other Form Notifications to work with the Team Leader email address.  I cc’d the Principal email into the option – and it has not worked.  Paul did not receive the email. Am waiting to hear if Meg (Team Leader) received the email notifying her of the need to approve the leave.   Will keep you posted.   If she does not receive it – back to the drawing board.

Appreciate all your assistance with setting up this system in our school.   It is fantastic having you to help.


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