Reply To: Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system…

Home Forums Google Sheets & Forms Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system… Reply To: Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system…

Rob Clarke

Hi Vicki,

Okay, I’m wondering if when we first set it up, if I was the user who installed the Autocrat Add-on onto the Google Sheet? I think this might have a bearing on this. Given this, this leads me to wonder if we logged in as you, deleted the Add-on from the Sheet completely, then re-added it in and set the merge again if the sent from email would then be you.

In checking the Autocrat FAQs, it appears that the person who creates the trigger is the one that the email will come from… see reference here.

I’m wondering if you emailed me your username and password and for me to have a look through this for you? We’ll get it!

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