Reply To: Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system…

Home Forums Google Sheets & Forms Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system… Reply To: Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system…

Rob Clarke

Hi Vicki,

Oh – ok – yesterday we made a new add on and deleted the other one we had. Is that not the same thing. I thought I added it – as the first tests we did were working and the mail merge letter was coming from me for the first few trials.

No, what I meant is to actually delete the entire Add-on (rather than the merge job itself). I’ll try this and come back to you with what I find out.

On another note – when I look at the dates in the spreadsheet – that the staff are taking their leave for – they show up the wrong way around – american way – and they print out as that on the mail merged letter.  Don’t think it used to be like that either.

You’ll need to highlight the entire date column and go to Format > Number and select the option you want.

These sorts of things are covered in the course Google Sheets & Forms for the Office 1 😉

Have a good weekend,


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