Reply To: Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system…

Home Forums Google Sheets & Forms Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system… Reply To: Using a Google Form to set up a Leave Requests system…

Rob Clarke

Hi Vicki,

Hmmm… strange. I’m glad we’ve only go two Add-ons working here!

I’ve reset the Simple Send Add-on… the risk in me doing this is that it has turned it off for you as well as me. So if you’d now please go into the Add-ons area (the jigsaw piece on the left of the icons top right of the Form screen) and check it.

If I’ve deleted your settings then go in a place them in again, save and it should be fixed.

Another thing to check would be that the Sheet doesn’t have notifications set (Tools > Notification rules) under Megan’s log in… though I doubt this is the case from what you describe.

Let me know how you go.


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