Reply To: Easily manage Google Groups

Home Forums G Suite Admin Console Easily manage Google Groups Reply To: Easily manage Google Groups

Rob Clarke

Hi Steve,

In looking at your admin console, I can see what you’ve done. I thought you wanted to create group email lists for each class in the school?

Follow these steps (I’m assuming that is what you want here):

  1. Create a group for Room 3 – name it Room 3 Parents
  2. Give it an email that isn’t abbreviated. The reason I suggest this is that other staff may need to use it, this is important as you want others to be able to use it easily.
  3. Make it ‘announcement’ only – this ensures it is an email distribution list, not a discussion channel.
  4. Don’t add all users at – this is just for Room 3 parents in this case.
  5. Add each parent email in as a member.
  6. Add each staff member in as an owner.

Groups > Email List for Parents

I suggest you create one group, then ping me back here and I’ll check for you 😉


  • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Rob Clarke. Reason: More info
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