Reply To: Does Gmail have a limit on emails

Home Forums Google Sheets & Forms Does Gmail have a limit on emails Reply To: Does Gmail have a limit on emails

Rob Clarke

Thanks Shona, great question.

To keep systems healthy and accounts safe, Google limits the number of email messages users can send per day and the number of recipients per message.

As the school is a G Suite for Work user your daily limit is 10000 email recipients per day.

Through the Gmail website (eg from a …[email protected] address) the limit is 500 per day.

Note: It is important to note that these limits are set around recipients and not messages. For example: you can send 10 emails with 50 recipients each or 1 email can be addressed to a maximum of 500 people.”

When using an add-on to send and email like “Email Range” a different limit is imposed but it is still a lot, ie. 1500 or so. 

If a limit is exceeded, the Gmail account may get temporarily disabled – but there is no charge.

Essentially, read the message prompts, but don’t worry about them! It’s really unlikely you will exceed them.


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