Strange messages on wifi icon of Mac

Home Forums General Discussion Strange messages on wifi icon of Mac

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  • Author
    • #4546
      Shane Buckner
      Points: 17

      Hey there Rob,

      wifi diagnosticsMy son has had this come up on his mac and can’t get rid of it. (All the greyed bits).
      Did he click something?
      I haven’t seen it before.

      Your wisdom is called for!!
      Nāku noa, nā



      Shane Buckner
      Tumuaki – Principal
      Wairakei School

    • #4548
      Rob Clarke

      Hi Shane,

      I suspect your son has held the option key down when clicking the wifi icon at the top of the screen. This gives access to diagnostic information.

      All the grey information is information about how that network is performing.

      If he holds option down and clicks it again, does it show or go away?


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