Reply To: Creation of Staff Portal – Grey Lynn School

Home Forums Streamline organisation with a portal site Creation of Staff Portal – Grey Lynn School Reply To: Creation of Staff Portal – Grey Lynn School

Rob Clarke

Thanks for this information.

Our suggestion for the name is – what do you think?

I think either staffportal or just staff is fine. It needs to be memorable for staff, so I’ve asked Arron to make both and you can choose which you think best.

I’ve shared the staff calendar with admin@greylynn.  Bill is the owner of the calendar so we’re just figuring out how to transfer ownership to admin@.  And we’ve shared the google drive with admin@.

I can do this for you. The reason I suggest it is not held in an individuals’ account is that it might cause issues if/when that individual leaves the school. It is a quick job for me to do this, and as you rightly say it will need to be re-shared to staff so I’ll take a note and re-share it once you are happy with the approach.

Perhaps we can touch base on Friday quickly to look at where we are at/etc.? I’ll send some options for you to choose.

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