Enabling Hapara Highlights

Home Forums Hapara Suite Enabling Hapara Highlights

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    • #5548
      Rob Clarke

      Highlights is one of the modules within Hapara Suite which gives you superpowers. It enables you and your team to have visibility into what students are doing on Chrome devices within the Google environment.

      Click one of these links below to see what the function does:

      Hapara Highlights - Open tabs

      Highlights needs to be enabled in the Hapara Admin console in order for teachers to be able to use it. To do this, navigate to:

      Hapara Admin Console > Modules

      There are a few URLs that require whitelisting and settings to look through. This guide on Hapara support steps you through this.


      We strongly recommend you make sure staff cannot view student devices (especially if they are BYOD/student owned) after class hours. This could lead to breaches in privacy or other problems.

      The process for enabling this is quite easy inside the Hapara Admin Console. Get in touch you need to talk this through.



      • This topic was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Rob Clarke.
      • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Rob Clarke.
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