Intro – Anna Powrie

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    • #3301
      Anna Powrie
      Points: 143

      Hi, my name is Anna Powrie – I’m an AP from Everglade School in Manurewa. Over the holiday break I have finally found some time to read through the first steps of how to utilise this online forum (very much still finding my way!).

      I am looking forward to seeing what learning opportunities there are, as well as connecting, sharing and collaborating through online discussion. Have had a bit of recent support with the use of Google Forms (thank you Rob!) and am looking forward to exploring the other Google Apps.


      • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Harsh Patel.
    • #3345
      Rob Clarke

      Hi Anna,

      A big warm welcome to you! Great to have you join our community.

      in your role as AP, do you ever need to manipulate data? If so, then the Google Sheets & Forms Course would be a great place to start.

      There are a few new courses coming up also so keep an eye out for these. And of course you can ask any questions you may have in the forums.

      Warm regards,


    • #3346
      Anna Powrie
      Points: 143

      Hey Rob,

      Yes I do, and that is def the place I intend to start now I’ve sussed most of the Gmail tricks from the first course. Should be interesting as I’ve never called myself an Excel expert to say the least.



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