Saving to Team Drives

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    • #4519
      Sharon Marsh
      Points: 21

      Hi ya – Happy New Year, to you!!!! Hope you got some R & R in over the break!!!! 🙂

      Save As dialogueCan you tell me please why when I have a file open and I use ‘Save As’ I cannot see Team Drive as an option????

      Currently, I have to save everything (not created in Team Drive) to my desktop then drag and drop it in!!!!!!…..getting frustrated and no one seems to be able to help me!!! 🙁


      • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Rob Clarke.
    • #4520
      Rob Clarke

      Hi Sharon,

      Are you able to take a screenshot of what you are looking at when this happens so I can see it, please?

      I think I need to see it to advise properly…


    • #4522
      Sharon Marsh
      Points: 21

      Screenshot attached

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Sharon Marsh.
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    • #4526
      Rob Clarke

      Hi Sharon,

      Got it, now I see what is happening 😉

      You are using the software app Google Drive, which has been superceded twice now!

      Originally it was called ‘Google Drive’ (logical!), then it changed to ‘Backup & Sync’, and now it is changed again to: ‘Google Drive File Stream’ (phew!).

      So, as I see it, if you want to be able to save into a Team Drive (not visible via the Google Drive app), follow these steps:

      Apple System Prefs

      1. Download and install the new app Google Drive File Stream
      2. To use the app on your computer, you may need to allow access security settings. You look like you are using a Mac, so you may need to allow this in the security setting inside the System Preferences (Apple > System Preferences > Security & Privacy): Security & Privacy” width=”875″ height=”492″ />
      3. Now that it is installed, you have some really useful options. Drive File Stream is a greatly improved tool and doesn’t take any space on your computer like the old Google Drive app did – it streams what you need when you need it!
      4. Follow this tutorial to use it – this will appear as part of an upcoming online course for members this year!

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