Community Update – March 2017

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      Rob Clarke

      Hi everyone,

      I hope your term is going well. I’ve had a busy start to the year with travel to Queenstown and Wellington. Plus I successfully survived the Motatapu mountain bike race which was a good challenge!

      We have had a number of new members join the community which is great. Welcome to: Lynn and Alison from Waitaha in Christchurch, Maddie and Jocelyn from St Mary’s in Christchurch and Ann from Waipahihi in Taupo.

      In this update I’ve got a few treats for you:

      1. For teachers – how to use a Google Form to Support Goal Settingthis post on my main website gives teachers a free Google Form template to help them set up a system for capturing parent views on what they want for the son/daughter’s learning for the year. You are welcome to grab if you want to have a look.
      2. Discount on massage therapy in Canterbury – I’ve just built a new website Optimum Healing, this is a new business based in Rangiora – if you want a $5 discount off a massage or treatment just mention my name when booking!
      3. Workshop Discounts – Angela and I have decided that members will get a 10% discount off any of our face to face workshops 😉


      1. Please remember to update your Profile.
      2. Please introduce yourself in the General Forum.

      New in the forums:

      There are heaps of handy new tips in the forums for you to explore:

      1. How to change the sender of an email…
      2. How to use Google Drive offline…
      3. How sharing works in G Suite (formerly Google Apps)…
      4. How to search using the Chrome omnibox…
      5. How to rotate text in a Google Sheet… (this one is a GREAT update!)
      6. How to manage multiple Google accounts…

      Case Study – setting up a leave requests system:

      Congratulations to Vicki from Elmwood School in Christchurch for your persistence and problem solving. Together we set up a Leave Requests system. This is an example of a more complex task where automation can help support the administration of a process such as this.

      Read the forum discussion here…Rob Clarke

      As we head towards the end of term one I trust you will get some time off over the ‘non-contact’ time/school holidays. I’ll be offering workshops in Christchurch and Auckland but also taking some much needed time to re-coup and spend time with my family.


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