Locking parts of your Sheet

Hi [accessally_user_firstname],

Now that you’ve managed to set up your own templates inside your Staff Booklet, you can look at customising your booklet further.

This module explores two of the more advanced features within Google Sheets which gives you more control over who can edit what information – how to protect tabs as well as how to create protected ranges.

This is a feature that a regular Google Document doesn’t have, which makes Google Sheets perfect for this task.

You will learn:

Why it is important to protect some information and limit who can edit what.
How to protect a tab inside a Google Sheet.
How to protect a range of cells inside a tab.

How to protect a tab inside your Google Sheet

This is a really handy feature within a Google Sheet, because it allows you to lock tabs inside your Staff Booklet so that only the appropriate people can edit the information contained in that tab.

This video is 3 minutes 57 seconds long:

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[/accessally_missing_any_tag] [accessally_has_any_tag tag_id=’578′ comment=’Members – 30 day trial’]This video is available to paid members – please upgrade here…[/accessally_has_any_tag]


How to protect a range of cells

[accessally_missing_any_tag tag_id=’578′ comment=’Members – 30 day trial’]This next video is taken from the course ‘Google Sheets & Forms for the Office 1 and will show you how to protect a range of cells in your Sheet. [/accessally_missing_any_tag]This is handy if you want to protect only a few cells in a tab and not lock the entire tab.

This video is 3 minutes and 5 seconds long:

[accessally_missing_any_tag tag_id=’578′ comment=’Members – 30 day trial’]

[/accessally_missing_any_tag] [accessally_has_any_tag tag_id=’578′ comment=’Members – 30 day trial’]This video is available to paid members – please upgrade here…[/accessally_has_any_tag]

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