Tame Your Email – Essential Timesavers

Tame Your Email 2 - Essential TimesaversHi [accessally_user_firstname], thanks for taking this course.

This course will familiarise you with a number of essential settings within Gmail. These settings will save you time and improve the Gmail interface, making it easier to deal with email and other tasks.

We’ve designed this course to be short and easy to learn, while providing you tips and tricks you can implement quickly. When you have questions, please ask them in the discussion forum at any time.

Each module builds on the previous one, enabling you to practice skills in between each. At different stages, we will send you handy reminders as well.

You will learn:

How to access the Settings in Gmail
Gmail labs to modify
Use 'Auto-advance' to save yourself time
Dealing with repetitive emails
Make chat easier
Keep track of what's coming up
Improve the Gmail interface
Timesaving shortcuts
Using Gmail with Drive and Calendar
How to delegate your inbox

[accessally_user_firstname], we hope you find this course really useful! Remember, if you have questions, please ask them in the discussion forum.

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