by Rob Clarke | Mar 18, 2020 | QuickTip
This is super handy if you need to quickly show someone something – I use it all the time! Follow these steps: 1. Locate what you want to capture (eg. a webpage/etc.). 2. Hold down the sleep and clicker buttons simultaneously – the device should make a...
by Rob Clarke | Mar 18, 2020 | QuickTip
If you end up moving your learning programme so it is delivered remotely, you’ll need to consider ways to help students interact, capture and share their learning. Audio recording is one of the easiest ways for students to capture their learning. Here are some...
by Rob Clarke | Mar 16, 2020 | QuickTip
One of the challenges of working remotely is that it is harder to pick up non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, tone and body language. Try installing an emoji extension to help teach students (or your audience) how to show emotion during online interactions....
by Rob Clarke | Aug 22, 2019 | Class Teachers, ICT Leaders, Office & Support Staff, Principals
What is Slack and why use it for your internal communications? This short video gives you an overview of a communication tool called Slack. Slack is different from Google Hangouts, or Facebook messenger, or WhatsApp, because it has the ability to have what is known as...
by Rob Clarke | Mar 13, 2019 | Class Teachers, ICT Leaders
This handy video shows how to manage bookmarks on a Chromebook. This is SUPER handy for teachers of younger learners, who may struggle with remembering or typing in the URL of sites. Google has introduced a new feature called Managed Bookmarks with version 37+ of...