How to use Hangouts inside Gmail

Google Top TipsHi [accessally_user_firstname],

The previous two tips dealt with collaboration with a delay; this tip takes it to a new level with Google hangouts.

The Mail app is nicely integrated with the Hangouts app. This opens up all sorts of opportunities for communicating in a more efficient manner. This module will help you do this quickly and easily.

You will learn:

How to enable a chat
Make chat move to the right
How chat conversations are recorded

Scroll down to view the video…

How to enable chat…

There are three types of chat:

  1. A text chat, which is just like Facebook messenger.
  2. Video or audio chat.

All text chat transcripts are sent to all parties – see the additional tips below…

This video is 1 minute 46 seconds long:

This video is from our online course Tame Your Email 2 – Essential Settings

Additional information…

[accessally_user_firstname], here are some additional tips to help:

  1. The process for initiating a chat inside Mail has another step because you’ll need to invite the person to chat with, plus they will need to accept that invitation.
  2. All text chats are recorded. This means that all parties in the chat will receive a transcript. You can force this to stay ‘on’ for students, thus giving them a bit of accountability for what they are chatting about (especially if your school uses Hapara Suite for teachers to monitor email usage!).
  3. Your Google administrator can enable or disable the ability for users to use this feature inside Gmail (or at all). Plus he/she can enable invitations to be forced on, or not.
  4. When setting up a G Suite system, we often de-activate invitations amongst staff, as this is another step that gets in the way of collaboration. If your administrator would like help customising this setting, please get in touch.

[accessally_user_firstname], If you’re enjoying this course, please share it with your friends!

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